Take hold of the value of time by putting your hard-earned money in, and getting higher interest rate from, FICOBank’s Time Deposit Account. This account, which is withdrawable at a specific future date, entails just a minimum placement of Php100,000.00 for a minimum of 30-day term.

This deposit product has the following salient features:

  • Minimum placement of Php100,000.00;

  • Term of placement is from 30 days and beyond;

  • With variable, but higher, rate of interest;

  • Payment of interest is made at the end of the term of placement;

  • Pre-termination is allowed, subject to the rules of the Bank; and

  • Can serve as collateral for Back-to-Back Loan.

Open an account now!


Call : (078) 307-2675 / 307-3364 / 307-0051
e-mail : customercare@ficobank.com
Skype : ficobank.bdd
PM : www.facebook.com/FICOBank.PH
Visit : FICOBank branch near you



Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000
per depositor.





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