Corporate DNA

Business Purpose

We, at FICOBank, are in the business of providing opportunities for economic ascendancy through our accessible and viable financial services and solutions.

Corporate Philosophy

In the conduct of our business, the FICOBanking way, we will be guided by these corporate beliefs:

We believe in the Almighty God as our grand resource provider and our primary source of strength;

We believe in the abilities and worth of human beings, and they deserve to be treated with respect and dignity;

We believe in the noble cause of community banking, and that our Bank is supportive of the economic ascendancy of the greatest number;

We believe that our financial products, services and solutions, as well as our allied undertakings, can satisfactorily meet and match the multi-dimensional needs of our multi-sectoral clientele;

We believe that we can conduct our business with the highest standards of work ethics and professionalism, and with unquestionable integrity, loyalty and accountability to our stakeholders;

We believe in nurturing the professional growth and advancement of our employees in an environment where healthy competition exists and outstanding performance is recognized and financially rewarded;

We believe that we have a responsibility to build, strengthen and sustain mutually beneficial relationships with the communities where our banking units and business-related organizations operate;

We believe that the common and preferred shareholders of our Bank rightfully deserve the maximum returns to, and value for, their financial investments; and

We believe that our Bank can be operationally successful and financially secure while behaving in a socially responsible and environmentally sensitive manner.

Brand Promise

With our well-trained and top-notch people, as brand ambassadors, we will stay in the business of providing opportunities for economic ascendancy to our clientele for good.

Core Values

The customers of our Bank are our strategic business partners. We will grow our partners like we grow our Bank, through or by being:

E-xcellent and fast service. Meeting, or even exceeding, customers’ expectations in a unique, simple and timely delivery of services;

A-daptive to change. Demonstrating flexibility amid constant changes in market trends and customers’ needs/preferences;

G-oal-oriented. Focusing on the commitment of ensuring maximum business profitability and customer satisfaction, as driven by goals and expected results/outcomes;

L-eadership through innovation. Exploring new market opportunities, creating business model innovation and utilizing cutting-edge technology, being a leading bank in the field of community banking;

E-mpowerment through cooperation. Empowering the Bank, together with its business partners, through the spirit of cooperation—people helping people transform their lives;

H-onest and humility. Rendering services to the Bank, as well as its internal and external customers, with irrefutable honesty and utmost humility;

E-nergy and drive. Pressing onward, with live-wire dynamism, to attain the business objectives of the Bank while satisfying the financial needs and securing the loyalty of the customers;

A-scendancy in the community. Occupying market position within FICOBank’s territories as a dominant community bank and a major force to reckon with among the industry players;

R-esponsive to partners' needs. Attending immediately to the needs of business partners by providing appropriate and adequate financial products/services and solutions; and;

T-eam work. Working together, as a well-oiled machine where each one is a vital cog, to achieve the corporate goals and the long- and short-term business objectives of the Bank.

With our Bank, we will simultaneously soar like an EAGLE and serve with a HEART.






Inter-Branch Deposit Online Money Transfer Western Union Money Transfer GCash Money Transfer Project i2i
Loan Products Deposit Products
Corporate Profile Corporate Identity Visual Identity Milestones Corporate DNA Strategic Pursuit Market Footprints
Board of Directors Senior Management Treasury and Corporate Services Group Operation and Banking Services Group Northeast Luzon Area Northwest-Central Luzon Area