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Other Services

i2i Remittance—a blockchain-based and bank-to-bank cross-border remittance service managed and operated by UnionBank—is now available at FICOBank. With this remittance service, the customers, particularly the underserved, may now pay their bills, send money to any i2i network partner-banks, experience real-time money transfer to any BancNet participant and transfer large amounts in a more-secure and economical way via InstaPay, PESONet member-banks and/or i2i Wallet.


Call : (078) 307-2675 / 307-3364 / 307-0051
e-mail : bdd@ficobank.com
Skype : ficobank.bdd
PM : www.facebook.com/FICOBank.PH
Visit : FICOBank branch near you






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